Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hat's Off To Learning
Literacy Center for First Grade!!!
Made May 2, 2012
Activities, books, games, lessons, and more :)


Ms. Riggan :)
It's my second to last day of my ten day summer class, and I think I am about to die.  My brain is absolute mush, and I am completly sleep deprived.  I know, I know.  I need to be studying, but I really don't think my brain can handle much more assessment at the moment.  This class is not the easiest I have ever had, but I am glad that I am actually learning things, that one day I will hopefully use in my classroom.  It would probably help if I wasn't working a part-time job as well.  A little blog therapy never hurt anyone I guess.  I am beyond ready to be done with summer school, so hopefully I can intern in the fall.  Several of us are cutting it close in assessment though.  Good news is I did make an A on my first presentation, and hopefully will pull another A out tomorrow.  I do beleive he trying his best to fail several of us.  HA! We have a 100 questions true/false test tomorrow that I am so not ready for! Is it just me or is true/false that absolute hardest test ever?? I sure will try to stray away from that if possible when I become a teacher.  I want to intern so badly, I can taste it.

Time to vent......
I cannot stand it that I work extremly hard on my projects and studying and I still make average grades.  I know it is not anyone fault but my own that I cannot make a 100% on his quizzes, but I am just not a good test taker, and I never have been.  It bothers me that some of the A+ students is some of my classes are going to be getting jobs before I do, because they can pass a stupid test.  I know I am going to be a good teacher, and I will not allow two measly summer classes to hold me back from internship!!!! I have worked way to hard to let this happen.  I have spent the last three summers since high school in college classes to make sure I graduated early.  It has always been a dream of mine to teach children, and to better their futures.  Some of the people in my classes are shy and soft spoken, but they can pass a test, so automatically he assumes they are going to be these wonderful teachers, and I will not because I have test anxiety!!!

Okay enough about that!!! I guess I should get back to reading my 80 pages for my test tomorrow. Happy studying to me! :)

Ms. Riggan :)